Detektif Conan 58

Hy.........29 novmber 2010...hari ini aku seneng banget.....tau knp.?karna buku yg slama ini saya idam-idamkan yaitu Detekrif Conan Edisi 58 telah saya miliki....#apasiya gg penting#
Setelah sekian lama saya mendambakan Comik tersebut akhinrya tercapai juga keinginan itu....dan itu juga berkat pcrku tersayang :DYA: yg telah membelikan Comik ini untuk saya....:Terima Kasih Saiank: #maaf saya LEBAI#
oke...sekarang mari kita bahas isi Comik tersebut....
Detektif cilik Conan Edogawa sebenarnya adalah detektif SMU terkenal bernama shinichi kudo.Sambil memecahkan banyak kasus sulit, dia mengejar organisi hitam yang telah mengubah tubuhnya menjadi anak kecil. Organisai Hitam berhasil mencium keberadaan Rena Mizunashi, satu-satunya petunjuk Conan yang bisa mendekatkannya dengan organisasi tersebut. Mata-mata organissasi tersebut sepertinya berhasil menyusup ke rumah sakit tempat Rena Mizunashi dirawat. Anggota FBI, Akai dan yang lain serta Conan segera menyelidikinya. Mereka pun berhasil menyimpulkan tiga orang yang mencurigakan dari pasien-pasien yang ada di rumah sakit itu. Dari hasil kamera tersembunyi, akai dan Conan menyimpulkan bahwa hanya satu orang yang perlu diawasi.
Pertarungan sengit antara FBI dan Organisasi kawanan berjubah hitam dalam memperebutkan Rena Mizunashi.dalam keadaan seperti itu Akai dan Conan pun bertaruh besar. Ada juga kasus pembunuhan yang dengan tersangka yang melibatkan empat orang asing.

nah itu sedikit ceritanya ...... masi penasaran.? ? cepetan beli Comiknya.......
kalu ada saran dan kritikan bisa coment di chatbox......insya allah saya akan pertimbngkan dan laksanakan...

Detektif Conan 57

Harga Rp13.350,-


9789792776010 / 9789792776010

23 Juni 2010

Detektif Conan 57

Oleh Aoyama Gosho
Rena Mizunashi masuk ke rumah sakit dalam keadaan koma di bawah pengawasan FBI. Di sekelilingnya dibayangi bayangan hitam. Eisuke Hondo berhasil menyelinap dan memperlihatkan jati dirinya. Ada juga kasus pembunuhan Sang Iblis dan pembunuhan dari Yomi.

conan edisi 56

Kali ini tidak terlalu lama saya menantikan buku favorit saya yang terbaru. Detective Conan edisi 56 telah terbit. Tentu saja saya sudah membelinya. Dengan harga komik yang semakin meningkat, saya relakan uang jajan saya yang hanya Rp250.000 per bulan dipotong Rp15.000 demi si Conan ini.
Mari kita kembali ke cerita awal sejenak. Conan Edogawa sesungguhnya adalah Shinichi Kudo yang tubuhnya mengecil karena diminumkan racun oleh Kawanan Pria Berjubah Hitam. Dalam sebuah kasus di taman ria, Shinichi curiga kepada 2 pria yang berpakaian serba hitam. Kemudian dia mengikuti mereka dan meninggalkan Ran Mouri, temen dekatnya. Saat itulah Shinichi diminumkan racun. Awalnya racun itu untuk membunuh orang, namun Shinichi tidak mati, tubuhnya mengecil.

Singkat cerita, Shinichi yang tubuhnya menjadi anak SD mengubah nama menjadi Conan Edogawa dan tinggal di rumah Detektif ceroboh, Kogoro Mouri, yang tidak lain adalah ayah Ran Mouri. Awalnya Conan (Shinichi) bertujuan untuk menemukan informasi melalui kasus yang masuk ke kantor detektif Kogoro. Namun ia juga tidak jarang ikut menyelesaikan kasus yang sama sekali tidak berhubungan dengan Kawanan Pria Berjubah Hitam.
Dalam komik Conan edisi 56 ini, Conan menyelesaikan kasus pembunuhan yang berhubungan dengan cincin yang sangat mahal dengan pasangan polisi yang bernama Takagi dan Miwako Sato. Conan bersama teman-temannya dan Profesor Agasa, tetangganya, juga menyelesaikan kasus pembunuhan ketika menginap di sebuah rumah di tengah hutan. Selain itu, Conan dihubungi oleh rekannya dari Osaka yaitu Heiji Hattori. Dalam telepon Heiji menjelaskan bahwa dirinya telah mendapatkan informasi tentang seorang anak yang diduga mempunyai hubungan kuat dengan Kawanan Pria Berjubah Hitam, yang bernama Eisuke Hondo. Saat menyelidiki informasi tersebut, Conan, Profesor Agasa, dan Ai Haibara juga menemui kasus.

Begitu ringkasan ceritanya, tidak mungkin saya ceritakan semuanya di sini. Nanti si pembuat komik, Aoyama Gosho, marah pada saya karena komiknya telah diulas semua di sini. Hhehehe. Bagi yang penasaran pada cerita di dalam Conan edisi 56, beli saja komiknya. Ok… Beli yang asli…

Buku Komik Detektif Conan

Komik Detektif Conan dikenal juga dengan nama "Detective Conan Comic"/"Matentai Conan". Cerita dengan tema detektif ini ditulis oleh Gosho Aoyama. Cerita Detektif Conan menceritakan tentang petualangan Sinichi Kudo, seorang detektif SMA yang pandai dalam memecahkan kasus. SUatu saat dia bertemu dengan organisasi hitam yang memberinya obat rahasia yang mengakibatkan tubuh Detektif SMA ini menjadi mengecil seperti anak kecil yang masih TK.

Atas saran profesor Agasa, Sinichi Kudo kemudian menyamar dengan nama beken Conan Edogawa. Sebuah nama yang terinspirasi dari nama Conan Doyle seorang pengarang terkenal yang membuat buku Detektif Sherlick Holmes. Bersama teman-temannya, Detektif Conan membuat kelompok Detektif Cilik untuk memecahkan kasus.

Berhubung Shinici Kudo/Conan sangat menyukai Ran, melalui profesor Agasa, Conan meminta untuk tinggal bersama Ran guna melindungi Ran dari bahaya kalau-kalau organisasi Hitam ini mencari Sinichi Kudo melalui Ran. Hal lain yang membuat Conan memilih tinggal bersama Detektif Kogoro Mouri (ayah Ran) adalah adanya kemungkinan Detektif Kogoro Mouri mendapatkan informasi tentang organisasi tersebut sehingga Conan dapat melacaknya juga.

Di dalam perjalanannya, seluruh kasus yang dipecahkan oleh detektif Kogoro Mouri adalah atas dasar kepandaian Conan. Melalui alat pengubah suara berbentuk pita di bajunya dan alat bius yang ada di jam tangannya, Conan membius Detektif Kogoro Mouri hingga tertidur kemudian mengungkapkan kasus kejahatan yang terjadi menggunakan suara Detektif Kogoro Mouri tersebut. Atas dasar pengalaman inilah kemudian Kogoro Mouri lebih dikenal dengan nama Detektif Tidur.

Baiklah kalau kamu juga suka komik Detektif Conan, atau ada seri yang terlewatkan, kamu bisa download dari Internet. Berikut kami kumpulkan link download komik Detektif COnan yang dapat ditemukan di Internet. Selamat mendownload dan selamat membaca.

Case Closed: One Truth Frevalis

Season 1- Episodes 01-28

Roller Coaster Murder Case
Company President's Daughter Kidnapping Case
An Idol's Locked Room Murder Case
The Coded Map of the City Case
The Shinkansen's Bomb Case
Valentine Murder Case
Once-A-Month Present Threat Case
Art Museum Owner Murder Case

Tenkaichi Night Festival Murder Case
Pro Soccer Player Blackmail Case
The Moonlight Sonata Murder Case (Part 1)
The Moonlight Sonata Murder Case (Part 2)
Ayumi-chan Kidnapping Case
The Strange Person Hunt Murder Case
The Mysterious Shooting Message Case
Missing Corpse Murder Case
The Antique Collector Murder Case
Hijacked Department Store Case
A June Bride Murder Case
An Elevator Murder Case
A Haunted Mansion Murder Case
On Location, TV Drama Murder Case
Luxury Liner Serial Murder Case (Part 1)
Luxury Liner Serial Murder Case (Part 2)
The Mysterious Woman With Amnesia Case
The False Kidnapping and Hostage Case
Pet Dog John Murder Case
Kogoro's Class Reunion Murder Case (Part 1)
Kogoro's Class Reunion Murder Case (Part 2)

Sumber :: DCW

Season 2- Episodes 29-54

Computer Murder Case
Alibi Testimony Murder Case
TV Station Murder Case
Coffee Shop Murder Case
Detective Boys Survival Case
Mountain Villa Bandaged Man Murder Case (Part 1)
Mountain Villa Bandaged Man Murder Case (Part 2) 
Monday Night 7:30 p.m. Murder Case
Cactus's Flower Murder Case
Akaoni Village Fire Festival Murder Case
Wealthy Daughter Murder Case (Part 1)
Wealthy Daughter Murder Case (Part 2)
Victory Flag Tearing Case
Karaoke Box Murder Case
Edogawa Conan Kidnapping Case
Three Hotta Brothers Murder Case
Facial Mask Murder Case
Alpine Hut In The Snowy Mountain Murder Case
Sports Club Murder Case
Diplomat Murder Case (Part 1)
Diplomat Murder Case (Part 2)
Library Murder Case
The Golf Driving Range Murder Case
The Mist Goblin Murder (Part 1)
The Mist Goblin Murder (Part 2)
The Mystery Weapon Murder Case
Game Company Murder Case

Sumber :: DCW

Season 3- Episodes 55-82

The Train Trick Murder Case
The Ojamanbō Murder Case
Holmes Freak Murder Case (Part 1)
Holmes Freak Murder Case (Part 2)
The First Errand Murder Case
An Illustrator Murder Case
A Ghost Ship Murder Case (Part 1)
A Ghost Ship Murder Case (Part 2) 
Big Monster Gomera Murder Case
The Third Fingerprint Murder Case
A Crab and Whale Kidnapping Case
Night Road Murder Case
Stage Actress Murder Case
Night Baron Murder Case (Case Part)
Night Baron Murder Case (Suspicion Part)
Night Baron Murder Case (Resolution Part)
A Stalker's Murder Case
The Triplet's Country Home Murder Case
The Detective Boys' Disaster Case
The Death God Jinnai Murder Case
Loan Company President's Murder Case
Phantom Thief 1412 (Part 1)
Phantom Thief 1412 (Part 2)
Distinguished Family's Consecutive Accidental Death Case (Part 1)
Distinguished Family's Consecutive Accidental Death Case (Part 2)
The Bank Heist Murder Case
The Wandering Artist Murder Case
The Kidnapping of a Popular Artist Case (Part 1)
The Kidnapping of a Popular Artist Case (Part 2)

Sumber :: DCW

Season 4- Episodes 83-106

General Hospital Murder Case
Ski Lodge Murder Case (Part 1)
Ski Lodge Murder Case (Part 2)
The Kidnapping Location Case
The Crane's Reciprocation Murder Case
Dracula's Villa Murder Case (Part 1)
Dracula's Villa Murder Case (Part 2)
The Flower Scent Murder Case
The Bank Robber's Hospitalization Case
The Fearful Traversing Murder Case (Part 1)
The Fearful Traversing Murder Case (Part 2)
Snow Woman Legend Murder Case
Kogoro's Date Murder Case
Jimmy Kudo Revealed (part 1)
Jimmy Kudo Revealed (part 2)
Jimmy Kudo Revealed (part 3)
Jimmy Kudo Revealed (part 4)
The Mysterious Woman With Amnesia Case
The Famous Potter Murder Case (Part 1)
The Famous Potter Murder Case (Part 2)
The Memories of First Love Case (Part 1)
The Memories of First Love Case (Part 2)
Historical Actor Murder Case (Part 1)
Historical Actor Murder Case (Part 2)
The Mysterious Robbers and Mansion Case (Part 1)
The Mysterious Robbers and Mansion Case (Part 2)
Scoop Picture Murder Case

Sumber :: DCW

Season 5- Episodes 107-134

The Mysterious Mole Alien Case (Part 1)
The Mysterious Mole Alien Case (Part 2)
Detective Club Pursuit Case
Cooking Classroom Murder Case (Part 1)
Cooking Classroom Murder Case (Part 2)
The Seven Mysteries of Teitan Elementary School Case
The White Sandy Beach Murder Case
Scuba Diving Murder Case (Part 1)
Scuba Diving Murder Case (Part 2)
The Mystery Writer Disappearance Case (Part 1)
The Mystery Writer Disappearance Case (Part 2
The Naniwa Serial Murder Case
The Naniwa Serial Murder Case
Masked Yaiba Murder Case
A Honey Cocktail Murder Case
The Locked Bathroom Murder Case (Part 1)
The Locked Bathroom Murder Case (Part 2)
The Weather Girl Kidnapping Case
A Mysterious Sniper Murder Case (Part 1)
A Mysterious Sniper Murder Case (Part 2)
The Traveling Drama Troupe Murder Case (Part 1)
The Traveling Drama Troupe Murder Case (Part 2)
The Black Organization: 10 Billion Yen Robbery Case
The Girl from the Black Organization and the University Professor Murder Case
The Stadium Indiscriminate Threatening Case (Part 1)
The Stadium Indiscriminate Threatening Case (Part 2)
Magic Lover's Murder Case (The Murder)
Magic Lover's Murder Case (The Suspicion)
Magic Lover's Murder Case (The Resolution)

Sumber :: DCW

Season 6- Episodes 135-162

The Disappearing Weapon Case
The Old Blue Castle Investigation Case (Part 1)
The Old Blue Castle Investigation Case (Part 2)
The Final Screening Murder Case (Part 1)
The Final Screening Murder Case (Part 2)
SOS! Message From Ayumi!
The Night Before the Wedding Locked Room C
ase (Part 1)
The Night Before the Wedding Locked Room Case (Part 2)  
The Suspicious Astronomical Observation
The North Star No.3 Express Leaving Ueno (Part 1)
The North Star No.3 Express Leaving Ueno (Part 2)
Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story (Part 1)
Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story (Part 2)
The Sudden Street Car Stopping Case
The Amusement Park Bungee Jumping Case
The Truth of the Exploding Car Case (Part 1)
The Truth of the Exploding Car Case (Part 2)
The Mysterious Old Man Disappearance Case
Sonoko's Dangerous Summer Story (Part 1)
Sonoko's Dangerous Summer Story (Part 2)
The Key in the Water Locked Room Case
Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 2 (Part 1)
Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 2 (Part 2)
The Silent Ring Line
Bizarre! The Legend of the Five Storied Pagoda (Part 1)
Bizarre! The Legend of the Five Storied Pagoda (Part 2)
The Murder Floating in Ryusuitei
The Sealed Chamber in the sky! Shinichi Kudo's First Case

Sumber :: DCW

Season 7- Episodes 163-193

The Secret of the Moon, the Star, and the Sun (Part 1)
The Secret of the Moon, the Star, and the Sun (Part 2)
The Disappearing Detective Boys Case
Tottori Spider Mansion Demon (The Murder)
Tottori Spider Mansion Demon (The Suspicion)
Tottori Spider Mansion Demon (The Resolution)
Venus' Kiss
The Blind Spot in the Darkness (Part 1)
The Blind Spot in the Darkness (Part 2)
The Revival of the Dying Message (Part 1)
The Revival of the Dying Message (Part 2)
The 20 Year Old Murder Case: The Symphony Serial Murders
The Man Who Was Killed Four Times
Meeting With the Black Organization Again (Haibara Part)
Meeting With the Black Organization Again (Conan Part)
Meeting With the Black Organization Again (Resolution)
The Coffee Shop Truck's Wild Entrance Case
The Nocturne of Red Murderous Intent (Part 1)
The Nocturne of Red Murderous Intent (Part 2)
The Big Investigation of the Nine Doors
A Dangerous Recipe
A Cursed Mask Coldly Laughs
The Murdered Famous Detective (Part 1)
The Murdered Famous Detective (Part 2)
The Mysterious Gun rings in the Dark
The Desperate Revival ~The Cavern of the Detective Boys
The Desperate Revival ~The Wounded Great Detective
The Desperate Revival ~The Third Choice
The Desperate Revival ~The Black Knight
The Desperate Revival ~Shinichi's Return
The Desperate Revival ~The Promised Place

Sumber :: DCW

Season 8- Episodes 194-219

The Significant Music Box (Part 1)
The Significant Music Box (Part 2)
The Invisible Weapon, Ran's First Investigation
The Super Car's Trap (Part 1)
The Super Car's Trap (Part 2)
Kogoro Mouri, Suspect (Part 1)
Kogoro Mouri, Suspect (Part 2)
The Tenth Passenger (Part 1)
The Tenth Passenger (Part 2)
The Black wing of Icarus (Part 1)
The Black wing of Icarus (Part 2)
Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 3 (Part 1)
Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 3 (Part 2)
The Deduction That Was Too Good
The Entrance to the Maze: The Anger of Colossus

The Falling From Mt. Ryushin Case
The Water Palace of 5 Colors (Part 1)
The Water Palace of 5 Colors (Part 2)
Mushrooms, Bears, and the Detective Boys (Part 1)
Mushrooms, Bears, and the Detective Boys (Part 2)
The Mysterious Retro Room Case
The Bay of Revenge (Part 1) 
The Bay of Revenge (Part 2)
Megure's Locked Away Secret (Part 1)
Megure's Locked Away Secret (Part 2)
Gathered Detectives! Shinichi vs. Kaito Kid

Sumber :: DCW

Season 9- Episodes 220-254

The Client Full of Lies (Part 1)
The Client Full of Lies (Part 2)
And There Were No Mermaids (The Murder)
And There Were No Mermaids (The Deduction)
And There Were No Mermaids (The Resolution)
The Secret of the High Sales
The Battle Game Trap (Part 1)
The Battle Game Trap (Part 2)
The Murderous Pottery Class (Part 1)
The Murderous Pottery Class (Part 2)
The Mysterious Passenger (Part 1)
The Mysterious Passenger (Part 2)
The Apartment Degradation Case
The Evidence That Didn't Disappear (Part 1)
The Evidence That Didn't Disappear (Part 2)
The Locked Wine Cellar
The Nanki Beach Mystery Tour (Part 1)
The Nanki Beach Mystery Tour (Part 2)
The 3 "K"s of Osaka Case (Part 1)
The 3 "K"s of Osaka Case (Part 2)
The Bullet Train Transport Case (Part 1)
The Bullet Train Transport Case (Part 2)
Boy Genta's Misfortune
Mouri Kogoro's Imposter (Part 1)
Mouri Kogoro's Imposter (Part 2)
The Gun Shot in the Sunflower Building
The Mystery in the Net (Part 1)
The Mystery in the Net (Part 2)
The Alibi of the Soothing Forest
The Idol Stars' Secret (Part 1)
The Idol Stars' Secret (Part 2)
The Tragedy at the OK Corral
The Kidnapper in the Picture
Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 4 (Part 1)
Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 4 (Part 2)

  Sumber :: DCW

Season 10- Episodes 255-285

The 14th Round of the Matsue Tamazo Linked Verse Contest (Part 1)
The 14th Round of the Matsue Tamazo Linked Verse Contest (Part 2)
The Extremely Strange Punishment From Heaven
The Man From Chicago (Part 1)
The Man From Chicago (Part 2)
The Shaking Restaurant
The Fearful Legend of the Snowy Night (Part 1)
The Fearful Legend of the Snowy Night (Part 2)
The Osaka Double Mystery - The Swordsman and Toyotomi's Castle
Courtroom Battle: Kisaki vs. Kogoro (Part 1)
Courtroom Battle: Kisaki vs. Kogoro (Part 2)
The Truth Behind Valentine's (The Murder)
The Truth Behind Valentine's (The Reasoning)
The Truth Behind Valentine's (The Resolution)
The Forgotten Memento From the Crime (Part 1)
The Forgotten Memento From the Crime (Part 2)
Secret Rushed Omission (Part 1)
Secret Rushed Omission (Part 2)
Quiz Baa-San's Disappearance Case
Truth About the Haunted House (Part 1)
Truth About the Haunted House (Part 2)
Case of the Missing Policeman's Notebook
English Teacher vs. Great Western Detective (Part 1)
English Teacher vs. Great Western Detective (Part 2)
The Hooligan in the Labyrinth (Part 1)
The Hooligan in the Labyrinth (Part 2)
The Small Eye-Witnesses
Mystery of the Water Flowing Stone Garden (Part 1)
Mystery of the Water Flowing Stone Garden (Part 2)
Chinatown Deja Vu in the Rain (Part 1)
Chinatown Deja Vu in the Rain (Part 2)

Sumber :: DCW

Season 11 - Episodes 286-315

Shinichi Kudo's New York Case (The Case)
Shinichi Kudo's New York Case (The Deduction)
Shinichi Kudo's New York Case (The Resolution)
Mitsuhiko in a Forest of Indecision (Part 1)
Mitsuhiko in a Forest of Indecision (Part 2)
Solitary Island of the Princess and the Dragon King's Palace (The Murder)
Solitary Island of the Princess and the Dragon King's Palace (The Investigation)
Solitary Island of the Princess and the Dragon King's Palace (The Resolution)
Smash of Love and Determination (Part 1)
Smash of Love and Determination (Part 2)
Houseboat Fishing Shockv
Courtroom Confrontation II: Kisaki VS Kujo (Part 1)
Courtroom Confrontation II: Kisaki VS Kujo (Part 2)
Kanmon Strait of Friendship and Murderous Intent (Part 1)
Kanmon Strait of Friendship and Murderous Intent (Part 2)
Parade of Malice and Saints (Part 1)
Parade of Malice and Saints (Part 2)
The Victim Who Came Back
Trembling Metropolitan Police Headquarters 12 Million Hostages
Unseen Suspect (part 1)
Unseen Suspect (part 2)
The Dark Footprint (part 1)
The Dark Footprint (part 2)
Contact with the Black Organization: Negotiation Chapter
Contact with the Black Organization: Pursuit Chapter
Contact with the Black Organization: Desperation Chapter
Festival Dolls Dyed in the Setting Sun (Part 1)
Festival Dolls Dyed in the Setting Sun (Part 2)
Broken Fence of the Observatory
Place Exposed to the Sun           
Sumber :: DCW


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